Möjlighet att söka resebidrag!


Möjlighet att söka resebidrag direkt från CEORL-HNS, för Dublinmötet.

Sista ansökningsdag 31 maj.

Dublin 15-19 June – We are writing to inform you about the possibility for the members from your society that are below 35 years old to ask for an “Observership travel grant” of 500€. Applicants must be below 35 years of age and must send a CV, proof of membership of the corresponding society and a statement of purpose to apply for the travel grant and also send a short report of the activity afterwards. Applications should be sent to: gloria.casanova@ceorlhns.org. Deadline to submit the applications: May 31, 2024. Additional information may be found here: https://ceorlhns.org/education/grants


Per Caye-Thomasen, President
Elisabeth Sjögren, Secretary General
Confederation of European ORL-HNS
Gloria Casanova
Executive officer
c/o Mondial Congress & Events
+34 618 533 894
ZVR-Zahl 344666629